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Often removing a few beats here and there would have made a lot of difference.

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The camera particularly overplays Keaton as mom Anya Gunderson, lingering on her a few moments too long after each punch line. There are a few awkward transitions and the editing could have been a lot tighter. Some of the jokes you see coming, but generally the script is quite clever. This film explores familiar territory but it's a fun ride. When his boyfriend Nathan's holiday plans fall through, Nathan (Adamo Ruggiero) surprises Gustav by showing up on the Gunderson home to spend the holidays. During the Christmas holidays he struggles to find the right time to finally tell his parents the truth. College student Gustav 'Gun' Gunderson (Keith Jordan) is out and proud at school but is secretly not out to his eccentric Midwestern parents (Derek Long and Kelly Keaton). If you go into it expecting anything more than a bunch of corny jokes and a formulaic plot, you'll be disappointed. This is a small budget gay themed holiday film. This is not a film that will open on a ton of screens worldwide and earn millions of box office dollars. Make the Yuletide Gay is not a great piece of art.

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